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Inspiration Board: Crochet

I don't knit or crochet but Mr. Wonderful comes from a long line of women who work wonders with a bit of yarn. Over the holidays I got an eyeful of some gorgeous antique dolies just laying around at his grandmothers house. It took an inhuman amount of strength not not to throw my tea cup of tea down and grab them but I did it. I might have politely mentioned though that if she should ever want to part with them. I would be the grandaughter in law ( that even a word)? most likely to accept them with open arms. She said "what these old things? They're old as dirt dear." Yes...yes I know grandma...that's just the way I like 'em.I think she was secretly pleased.

Anyhoo...until then. I created this to hold me over.

This crochet wedding dress by Lela Rose is stunning coming and going!

I LOVE this necklace. So pretty for a wedding. Can you believe it’s only $32? Check it out at  treeandkimball.

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