Before the days of computers and digital type, letterforms were drawn by hand, cut into wood, and then printed onto paper on ginormous machines: this arduous process... aka letterpress printing.
Two designers, Matt Griffin & Matt Braun, created a project called Kickstarter. Their plan: to scour the globe for 10 of the most prized fonts of wood type they can get their hot little hands on. Once acquired, they will print the faces on their Vandercook proof press, and then carry them over into the world of vectors and Opentype font-ery. Translation: awesome font love for you and me! A quick peek over at Kickstarter shows they have well over funded their goal of 15,000 for the project. So the joy of this project? Their first release. You can download Fatboy for free. How could you not download a free font. . . especially a font called Fatboy.